Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Dreams Larger Than Your Mind Can Hold"

Greetings to all. First allow me to apologize for the lateness in posting a new expression. However I have been on a road of construction lately. I have been granted many opportunities and I am grateful to my Creator for these circumstances. You know when I was growing up my family was not rich and often times we had to strecth food. We were considered poor but God provided and I have a wonderful family because of this impoverished bond. Many people rarely show love to their family due to futile reasons. However life is short and death is sure so I say to you embrace them while you can because tomorrow is not promised. During my educational plight I have lost two brothers and several really close friends to murder. So cherish life and never accept anyone's definition about what you represent or should be. Because I grew up poor does not mean that I will live my adult life in poverty and unfortunate circumstances.

In our lives we all dream of things that seem so great that fear of the unknown shutters these ideas before we can actually think them through. How many times have you found yourself thinking of doing something larger than yourself or anyone in your family has done? How many times when these ideas come to your attention they are aborted by that inner voice "You could never"? This is not something that is abnormal or a sign of a weak person. No absolutely not!!!!
It is a sign of your inner being stepping up to see if you are truly ready to be great. It is also a sign that you and your inner self is not on the same playing field. When our subconscious is not in tuned with our conscious we create a conflicting atmosphere. This is truly problematic because any and everything you set out to do your inner self will challenge you. Sometimes this is good because it forces you to push yourself. However often times we do not have the strength to go against our subconscious because of fear. But you must began to think GREAT, act GREAT, speak GREAT, and believe that you are GREAT if you are to be great. I remember when I was first starting out in my renewed life I was extremely poor. I mean (po) I could not afford the (or). So what I did was every weekend I would buy a cheap bottle of wine and just say to myself as I drink it from a plastic cup that, "This is my wine glass and I am on my private beach in St. Thomas enjoying life". Needless to say I don't drink wine out of a plastic cup anymore and the beach house is coming. We must channel our minds to adapt to our desires. No matter how great they may be you are entitled to all of the riches in the world. Your father is rich beyond measure and you shall inherit his wealth upon your creation. Therefore stop letting someone else spend your money or take your vacations. But channeling your thoughts is not only about external growth. It is also about infiltrating your internal essence to coincide with your aspirations. Whatever you desire to become in life know this one thing.......nothing is to big or to small. There is nothing you cannot do or cannot accomplish all it takes is belief on your behalf. It does not matter what is going on outside of your life the only thing that matters is how you see and believe yourself to be. This is the one and only way to true growth, happiness, and limitless wealth. Now one must understand that wealth is not the accumulation of money, stocks and bonds, or Swiss accounts. No. Wealth is the accumulation of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, friends, family, and unreasonable happiness. When we have true wealth in the sense of my description money will flow like Niagara Falls because we are no longer focused on making it. So one must dream and want the things in which they desire. Society may attempt to push you away from what is inherently yours but you must not fall victim to there efforts. You must believe that no matter how you are raised (Poor or Rich) we are all born with the same level of opportunity it may just take some of us a little more effort and time but we can all be great. But until we believe this we will continue to walk the dirt road and never make it to the smooth paved surface created by God himself just for you. So anything you can achieve. Anything you desire is yours to have. God made the heavens and the Earth what makes you think he cannot make you into the things you truly desire to be. When we dream larger than our minds can handle, we place a smile on God's face because he sees that our faith is as great has our being. Stepping into the unknown allows us to trust in him. So I say to you never think that the sky is the limit if it was we would have never made it to the moon. So allow yourself to become one with your faith and start dreaming like you will live forever and live like you will die tomorrow.


"Thoughts control our minds like the breeze controls the sway of the trees. To think great so shall you be"

"Don't let your external situation determine your internal elevation" (My mother's quote)

"You are born rich it is your responsibility to claim your inheritance"

"A dream is only a mental image of the things God has in store for us"

"Fear is not a characteristic of Greatness"

Live Like You Mean It
~Dr. W

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