Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Embracing The Unexpected

As I express myself into the keyboard and reflect these actions onto the computer screen, I find myself contemplating so much and have very little answers or solutions to the issues I am stirring up within myself. I have been operating on auto-pilot for the past two weeks. This explains the lack of posts. However I am determined to overcome these unexpected obstacles placed within my path.

Life is always a seemingly planned orchestrated set of events that we eagerly desire to occur. We plan our days out to the last minute and even allow time for things that may postpone the inevitable task of ending out daily routines. From relationships to our careers we map out the things we desire as potential outcomes. And when something happens we often times paved a path for situations like this. However the case may be we are always believed to be the one in control.

But what happens when something outside of our wildest dreams occurs to alter everything that we believed to be. When life stops immediately and we are forced to face the reality of our actions. When the consequences out weigh our prefigured paths of intended outcomes. Often times we are so overwhelmed we cannot even understand what is going on or how we allowed ourselves to let this happen. And more often than not it is at the least opportune time for us. It seems that terrible things happens to us when our lives was on an up hill spiral towards happiness and self-satisfaction. However this is only a superficial belief of what is the reality of our situations. Sometimes when we think that things are going perfectly we are really heading down a road of self-destruction. We cannot see it of course because we are blinded by the hype of this happiness we seemingly have. We are not in control of our lives. We are just the initiate(r) of our decisions and the outcomes are a result of our actions. God sometimes allows us to slip up and fall victim to our decisions and it is then that we have a choice. We can either embrace the unexpected or continue to walk this path of self-destruction.

When we choose to embrace the unexpected we allow ourselves to grow in the arms and under the watchful eyes of God. We become stronger for we understand the results of poor decisions and walking a path blinded to his guidance. When we embrace the unexpected we allow time for divine healing and a renewed spiritual connection. It takes a strong person to claim their faults and weaknesses and then turn around and regain their ground in their life. But in our embracing we must understand that we are giving all control to our Creator and he will get us out of this crisis. He will improve this situation and establish within us the ability to not fall again. This may seem simple. However we must remember that we are responsible for our choosing to embrace the unexpected is as hard as shaping metal. But it is possible.

In closing we must remember that our lives is not ordered, carried out, or determined by us. We must follow the path that was predestined for us. However our choices can alter our lives to the extreme but we must continue to trust and abide in our beliefs if we are to see true happiness.


Embrace the unexpected
Be conscious of the outcomes of your choices
Lean not on thy own understanding

"Live Like You Mean It"
~Dr. W

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Essence of Oneself


Today it is raining in Providence, Rhode Island as I stare out the window on the 15th floor I begin to inscribe my thoughts into the keyboard of my laptop while sipping some hazelnut coffee and snacking on a piece of banana nut bread I begin to drift off into a deep hypnosis of understanding self. Who am I really? Beneath the flesh, muscle, organs, and bones. Who is this being known as Dr. W to the blog-community? This question is one I ponder often and I am sure you have thought about it on a rare occasion. But even deeper than who we are many of us wonder why am I here or what is my actual purpose on this temporary journey where the ending result is ultimately death. I have no answer to these questions however through my gazing into the unknown I have developed a ideology of how I will deal with the questions I manifested within myself.


We all have a divine calling to do something. A desire to be more or a sense of becoming what we think is going to make us satisfied. However this is not a purpose it may seem like one but it is not. I have convinced myself that my purpose and that of every other human being is to do for others. To give back and make a difference in society. What we do throughout our course of life determines who we are when our bodies become fertilization for the Earth's soil. So that means we will never have the answer to who we are. We will have an idea of what we mean to society and who we can become but never fully understand who we are until we enter the areas of the unknown. You see we never reach our full potential until we no longer exist. Therefore we must continue to search for ways to inspire, reach, and empower ourselves and others. If we become complacent in our today's we will never trademark our purpose in life. Leaving a mark is more important than ceasing the moment. Allow yourself to think about that for a moment.........

"Leaving a mark is more important than ceasing the moment,
you must trademark your purpose"

If we actually allow ourselves to believe this statement and live a life with a dedicated purpose to others we would see happiness in our everyday lives without any effort. Rolling over to happiness will become second nature and we won't have to make a conscious effort to choose happiness because it will be the nails in our foundation and the fabric in our drapes. If we allow ourselves to live dedicated to improving society and the lives of others we would never work a day in our lives. NEVER WORK A DAY IN OUR LIVES.........sounds so good I had to say it again. Can you imagine going to work everyday happy because you are doing something you enjoy and not just working to survive. Working to survive results in premature death, added stress, and dysfunctional households and marriages. When we are living a life as the quote above states we are living happy. Allow yourself to be happy with everything you do in life and leave everything you encounter better than when you found it. The old saying "If it ain't broke don't try to fix it" was a true sign of someone who did not live by this quote or had no innovation what so ever. I believe if you leave it how you found it than you are not living life to the fullest. Imagine if the person who invented the stove, microwave, flat screen TV, automobile, or the computer would have lived honoring the quote "If it ain't broke don't try to fix it". We would be living like cavemen. So never be afraid of improvement or bettering yourself and others because a complacent society is doomed from the beginning. Evolution is something that happens to better our circumstances. So continue to grow and seek a better you and society each day you're graced with a new morning.


Leaving a mark is more important than ceasing the moment.
Trademark your purpose.
Your purpose is to give back, inspire others, and improve society.
Always leave things better than you found it.
Your destiny is how you fulfill your purpose.


"Live Like You Mean It"
~Dr. W

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Place it on Mute

So I arrived safely back from my "Spirng Break/Work". I must say that I enjoyed myself even though I did not get to break as I would have desired to but there are no complaints. The entry for today is titled place it on mute and it is inspired from my week long confinement of physical labor. As I was flying back from Jackson, Ms I purchased a pair of Noise Cancellation Earphones. I must admit that this made my life en route to Boston, MA very relaxing. And as the plane rocked back and forth from the turbulence I begin to ponder the idea of using these headphones throughout my everyday. This would be so great to be able to walk around and ignore all of the negativity that is bestowed upon me. But how ridiculous would I look walking around school with these big bulky headphones on? But then in the blink of an eye I was inspired to allow myself to acquire the brilliance of these headphones throughout my daily walk. Instead of engaging in futile arguments with individuals who made the wrong choice this morning I will just place them on mute. Wow why didn't I think of this a long time ago. So I tried my little new invention out just to make sure it worked. So I have this individual in my life who always complains about anything. If they are thirsty the water is not good enough to drink. So they would rather perish of dehydration.....yes on of those type of people. So I called them and we talked and they started on their little tantrum and I just begin to ignore them. So much so that I begin to enjoy talking to them. I was in shock because prior to acquiring this ability to just place certain points of the conversation on mute I would have immediately interrupted this person and said I would call them back. However I was not compelled to escape their cancerous form of venting over the phone to me. So I said that I must share this little tidbit with the few who decide to read my expressions.

In life many times we are often addressed by someone or something that we really have no desire of dealing with at the time. From relationships, family, friends, business partners, and constituents we are faced with problematic situations steaming from unknown regions. Whatever the reason may be we again have the wonderful miraculous ability of choice on our side. Such a beautiful asset yet many of us rarely use it. Placing it on Mute does not mean you are shutting the ideas or opinions of another person out completely. You are just allowing yourself to remain consistent with the choice you made this morning of rolling over to happiness. And in order to remain happy you must not allow yourself to become consumed with someone's issues that are not your responsibility or fault. Although negativity comes from external structures do not overlook the most vulnerable component of negativity and that is internal manifestation. We all have that voice that says you can't, you should not, why would you, it can never be done....etc. It is voices such as these that we must place on mute because they can alter, destroy, and hinder our growth. The next time you are faced with a situation where you find yourself on the receiving end of selfish regurgitation of emotions do yourself a favor and place it on mute and continue to live the way you woke up.........unreasonably happy. Just remember everything we allow to pass through our portals of reception (eyes and ears) we have the ability to choose what is seen and heard.


If someone is using you as a dump site for negative expressions-PLACE IT ON MUTE
If you find yourself inflicting personal damage from negative beliefs-PLACE IT ON MUTE
You have the ability to choose what enters your portals of reception and anything you don't want to receive-PLACE IT ON MUTE

"Live Like You Mean It"
~Dr. W