Monday, March 23, 2009

"Blindfolded Success"

Greetings World:

Today I write with a sense of peace and understanding. As I awoke this morning I made the choice as many of you did to live life abundantly and unreasonably happy. Today I would like to share with you the reality of life and living a life that was mapped out for us before we were conceived. You see there was a day planned out for us and whatever choice we will decide to make when we roll over to happiness. Just as our lives are already predestined we must remember that God cannot chose for you. No he leaves that easy task to you. So it is up to you how your life turns out. It all falls back on the choices we make.

How many times have you found yourself in a situation that you had no idea how you got there and an even harder time trying to figure out the outcome. From psychics to palm readers individuals all over the world have tried to learn of their fate before it happens. Many people do this because of fear of the unknown and others out of curiosity. But honestly if you were able to see into the future do you really feel that you would be better off? To know what will become of you before it happens. Do you really think you will be a better person? I ask that because in reality the answer is no. It is through not knowing that we become better because we want better. How could you want better if you knew that better was inevitable? You see blindfolded success is all about stepping into the unknown on faith and the desire of a better outcome. When we strive to do great things we do so out of a thirst for knowledge and self-improvement. We were all born with the same purpose in life but a different destiny. Our purpose is to give back to others and our destiny is how we will accomplish our purpose. So walking blindfolded towards our destiny will allow us to continue to grow and grow and grow. However this growth must be done without fear of failure. We must see failure as a developmental opportunity because if we are not failing we are not growing. It is through failure that we gain the insight to never fail again so embrace failure. Know that walking blindfolded you are susceptible to stumbling over obstacles but it is your choice to get up and continue to move towards your destiny. Life's report card does not care about how many times you fail but how far you succeed. So you must continue to follow your inner map known as your spiritual guide. Your spiritual guide knows the path you must take but if you are not in tuned with that component of your being you will continue to wonder in the unknown areas of stagnation. Can you recall this passage from the song "Amazing Grace": I once was lost but now I'm found...this speaks to a person becoming in tuned with their spiritual being and understanding that they must follow the spiritual guide of self to see the fruits of our struggles and transgressions. Just the thought of walking into this world with all of the problems going on is frightening to anyone. However if you are following your guide they will protect you from all hurt, harm, and danger. You would not go on an African Safari without a guide so why charter life's course without one? Distraction lurks at every corner, temptation is at your right hand, and lust at your left but walking blindfolded and with a guide will keep such detrimental distractions invisible to you. Although this may seem easy to a certain extent many of us never allow ourselves to follow the guide that has been scheduled to remain with us throughout our lifetime. You see you can hurt yourself by giving up on life and settling for anything that resembles you living below your abilities. How many people know someone who was so talented in something but they made a choice to live a life that they was comfortable with because they knew the outcome? How many people know someone who could have been a brain surgeon, a CEO, a Professor, or anything they desired but because they was fearful or choose to remove the blindfold they are now living a life of mediocrity. There is nothing wrong with a mediocre life however why settle for less when the riches of the world are yours to have. We all must believe this and not allow ourselves to settle for anything below holistic well-being and happiness. Now I am not saying that someone who is living a mediocre life has settled. I am only saying that if you are living a life below your potential then you have made a sound decision to remove the blindfold and remain content. However someone somewhere is suffering because you chose to give up and settle. Remember that our purpose is to help others but our destiny is how we will do that. I believe that we never fully reach our destiny until we no longer exist so we must continue to live out our purpose until our destiny is reached. I mean would you cook a thanksgiving dinner and stop after you season the turkey? Of course not because then you would have many upset relatives and friends who are in need of nourishment. So do not stop short of anything but complete when it comes to your destiny. Not knowing the outcome is the beauty of life. So live it, love it, and enjoy it.

Quick note:
The past three flights that I have been scheduled to take a plane crashed prior to departure or around the time I was in the air. The first one was in the flight in New York that went down in the water; The second was the flight in Buffalo; and the third was the flight yesterday in Tokyo and Montana. Now I could allow these "Distracting signs" to alter my destiny and force me to remove my blindfold but I shall remain on course. You see that is the beauty of not knowing. My destiny fulfills my purpose and when my guide tells me the tour has ended I shall rest my tired feet. Now I will be flying out in the morning going on VACATION see you guys next week. I had a choice to make and I chose to follow my spiritual guide.

Failure is only a developmental opportunity so fear not.
Blindfolded success is all about being in tuned with your spiritual guide.
Do not allow yourself to remove the blindfold because you desire to settle, imagine how many people will suffer because of your fear to continue.

"Live Like You Mean It"
~Dr. W

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